Monday, 8 October 2012


Youngest is ‘writer of the week’, his teacher told me. He had to ask a rhetorical question to get it and Youngest asked, “Do you want me to be unhappy?” so now his photo is on the wall.

It got me thinking about questions. I get asked lots, some easy, some not so easy and some downright silly. Here are a few I’ve been asked this week.

In the 90's, how many records were sold on vinyl and how many on CD?

Can I go to Esher for a sleepover on Friday?

What's your second favourite animal?

Can you make a meeting in Oxford on Thursday?

Why are we only learning about Christianity in RS?

Can you fill in this form for my guitar exam?

Can you do it right now?

Do you know where my green hoodie/ purple long-sleeved top/camera/book bag/house keys/iPad/wallet is/are?

Do you have any money?

In which bag?

Where is all the underwear?

What’s better, cereal with sugar already on it or cereal that you put the sugar on yourself?

Will you get me tickets for the Eric Johnson concert in April?

Can you get the tickets before 10.00 am tomorrow? 

So can you make a meeting in Oxford on Wednesday?

Will you top up my lunch money online?

Can you do it now?

Did you text the guitar teacher?

Did you buy butter?

After the sleepover can I go to Hastings on Saturday for the whole day?

Can you give me the money to go?

Can I have it right now?

But where is your bag?

What’s better, Chicken Cottage or Chicken Village?

Can you help me find my iPod touch?

Can you help me find it now?

Did you get the bread out of the machine?

Did you ring the surgery to make a double appointment?

Can we get takeaway pizza tonight?

Why not?

Which day is the best day of the week?

Do you mean this bag?

Did you remember to text the guitar teacher?

Which secondary school are you going to put first?

What is a verruca made of?

So can you make a meeting in Oxford on Friday?

Would you like to come to a poetry reading?

Which is the worst day of the week?

Can I have a friend over?

This bag?

What’s the worst animal?

Are you coming for coffee?

Do you mean the brown bag or the red one?

What is your third favourite animal?

Why are you suddenly flying off the handle about a bag?

What’s happened to that little girl?

Okay, so can you make a meeting in Oxford any day next week?

But why would someone want to take her?

Follow me on Twitter @DOESNOTDOIT

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